4/20 with Stoned Fox

Is there anything more glamorous than a gold joint? Definitely not, but Stoned Fox is knocking on the door.
Culture is a word often used in this industry, to which some of us may either defend or scratch our heads over. Its no mystery that most of cannabis's culture is just that, a bit mystic. The creative flower helps bring out the inner most weird in us and under strict regulation, much of that creativity has been held captive in its stereotype.
Understandably, cannabis has found new ground, new conversations and platforms with legalization. Some would say that our culture is primed for progression and that the image of the "stoner" is changing. DAMN RIGHT. It is changing. It is becoming more inclusive of who we actually are. A sister, artist, educator, musician, outdoor enthusiast, and Stoned Foxes. We are birthing an era of what really hides behind the hazy clouds (currently filling up my living room).
Stoned Fox is leading the way. Please enjoy these gems from the Stoned Fox Launch Party and be sure to follow the revolution, @stonedfoxmag // stonedfox.com